There are so many careers out there to suit so many different people. Work is a place for your personality really to thrive. If you’re somewhere you hate, this just isn’t going to happen. You need to have a passion for your role, and this often doesn’t happen unless your personality is shining through. So, are you one of those people who can jump out of bed and rush into work beaming and smiling? No? Then you’re probably like the rest of the population. Suffering through the daily grind of a 9-5, just waiting for that payday at the end of the month. So to change that, and to definitely make your life a lot better, we’ve picked out some of the careers that best suit different personalities, and how your personality can shine through in it.
If you’ve got a creative side to you, you’ve usually got a vision that you’d like the world to see. You’re good in terms of art or design, but you don’t put it to good use. Well, for those of you out there, there are plenty of careers for you to look for. If you’re not too good at drawing, but have an eye for beautiful things and detail, then photography might be a good line of work to get into. All you need to do is learn how to use a decent camera, which really will not take you long, and how to have a vision of what might look good. Being a photographer usually means going self employed as well, the freedom of which is something a lot of people will easily be able to get used to. If photography doesn’t appeal to you, then something such as painting might. Painting is so therapeutic, but like with photography, it is a bit hard to get into and make a career of. The best thing you can do is do it as a trade on the side. Spread the word by using social media and word of mouth, and start building up your sales that way. It might be hard to make a career out of, but if you have the passion and determination to stick with it you will get the rewards.
A calm person is usually the best one to be around, whether it be inside or outside of work. They’re able to diffuse any situation, and when stressful situations do arise, they’re instantly melted to the ground by a calm minded person. Often, people can be too calm, but there are certain career paths that are perfect for this type of personality. The first being counseling. Giving counseling to someone is a stressful situation as it is, for the both of you. The people who will come under your care will be stressed, full of anxiety, and their minds will usually be racing. Some of the things they may have been through will be rather upsetting, and for you to hear them will also affect your mentality. But it is the calm minded person who is able to get into the head of the patient’s, de-stress them, and begin to work through issues one by one. When someone else’s mind is so frantic with different issues, it is important for yours to be calm and clear. There is plenty of room for progression within this career as well, and many types of online counseling programs that you can go through to further progress your knowledge. It is such a rewarding career to be in, especially when you’re helping them with something that is most likely out of their control. Another job role that is suited is teaching. We all know how stressed our teachers seemed to look at school when they had a bit of an unruly class. Staying calm and collected in front of them, and learning to control the class through a calmer mentality is what is going to get through to the children. A lot of children fail school, or don’t get the grades they could due to teachers being angry, rather than soothing the situation. Getting through to a troublesome child and helping them through their school life is so rewarding. You again, will need a degree to get into the profession, but it’ll be worth it in the end.
Problem Solving
You’re most likely a strong minded, intelligent person who is going to thrive in an environment where your mind is constantly put to the test. There are plenty of careers out there where this sort of personality can thrive, the office job where you’re always behind the computer definitely isn’t going to be the career for you. Something that a lot of you might find really interesting is a forensic investigator. Your mind will constantly be put to the test in terms of problem solving, and picking out the finest details of a scene to try and piece together the information. To go down this route you will have to become a normal officer first, which would appeal to the problem solving mind anyway. Work your way through the ranks, and progress until you get the opportunity to delve into the forensic investigation world. A lot of people get a degree in criminology first, which could help you bypass the whole becoming an officer first stage of the process. Another career you might enjoy is nursing. On a daily basis nurses are faced with some many different situations where the mind is put to the test. There will be different things to diagnose, and different steps to take to make sure the patient has the best outcome possible. It is this level of problem solving, in such a faced paced environment that is going to keep your mind entertained. It will constantly be working to make sure you’re giving the right treatment, helping to give the right diagnosis, and to make sure everyone in the situation is kept as happy as possible. You’ll need a degree to get into the profession, but it is one we know a lot of you are going to enjoy.