President Barack Obama makes an appearance twice in the same week on Corn on the Job, becoming the first president to do so. Congratulations Barack.
President Obama proposed a 10-year multibillion-dollar initiative to help improve community college programs in the United States. The objective is to basically re-train Americans as a result of the volatile workplace we currently live in. In what appears to be $12 billion in proposed spending, $500 million would go to developing new online courses and $9 billion to challenge grants in order to enable more course schedules reflecting the diverse needs of working students.
Those looking to make a career change should find themselves excited reading about Obama’s proposed plan. While community colleges pose one of the more inexpensive paths to education, schedules as well as programs offered may not be all that flexible for Generation X and the older Generation Y members. It’s clear that President Obama’s main initiative with this plan is to lead community colleges to a more flexible culture, catering to the needs of tens of millions of unemployed, underemployed, insecure, or bored working Americans.