In the beginning of August I wrote a story about two La Salle graduates struggling to find employment. Down on their luck, and out of ideas, the recent graduates ran out into the street dressed their best and made it their mission to distribute their resume to the masses. The article expressed my praise towards the hungry, determined, and innovative job seekers, but opposing views quickly flooded my comment box. Professionals that I have a great respect for criticized my praise, and bashed the job search strategy that I believed was genius. Guess what, Corn Heads…
I was right.
Not only did both La Salle graduates quickly gain employment after their road side antics, but Philadelphia has found its latest sidewalk job search hero. Kevin Smiley, Temple graduate, and aspiring Sports Writer saw what worked for both La Salle graduates and found out quickly that it worked for him as well. For what I believe was a week, Smiley passed out resumes during rush hour in Center City, Philadelphia and held a sign that said, “Temple grad looking for work, have resume.” Smiley can now say he has a full-time paid internship with Comcast’s Web Department, and he should be thanking his innovative friends over at La Salle for the idea.
So, yes, I did tell you so, but let me get over myself and try to explain why this approach CAN work. I emphasize can because it certainly will not work every time, but when it does I’m definitely not surprised. Simply put, people are sick of resumes. Sure, a resume is needed at some point or another, but those with a great network, or connection are likely to win the position over a more experienced professional who doesn’t have such a strong network. Recruiters will cut to resumes from referrals, networking, or other outside the box job search tactics before going through the resumes from their postings. Put yourself in the mind of a recruiter that has received 100 resumes over the weekend for a particular position. Over the weekend the recruiter also receives an email from the CIO, referring a candidate for the opening. Which resume do you think will be opened first? Catch my drift?
In the end, what matters most is that three recent graduates have jobs. Innovation and hunger can go a long way, and while I don’t suggest the same job search method for all of you, I do suggest to feed off your hunger, and introduce a bit of innovation to your job search, career, and life.