What schools produce the highest paid graduates?

Found a very interesting article today that does a nice job in showing us which schools bring the most dough to new grads.  You’ll see a nice bar graph which compares both the Starting Median Salary as well as the Mid-Career Median Salary for each school on the list. It will come as no surprise for […]

July 22, 2009 READ MORE →

Pay increases make a comeback in 2010?

Many of those still lucky enough to be working these days have seen their company slash raises and bonuses this year.  I’ve come accross some hopeful news for those of you feeling like your hard work should earn you a thicker wallet.  Please see the link below from ResumeBear, which discusses a 2010 salary survey report completed […]

July 21, 2009 READ MORE →

Poll Of The Week #1: How to answer, what is your biggest weakness?

Wonderful, the results are in!  Thanks to those for voting on our very first Poll of the Week!  COTJ fans were given three incredibly exciting topics and needed to pick which one they most wanted to learn about.  In the end, our results went like this: First Place:  64%  “How to answer the question, What is your biggest weakness?” […]

July 20, 2009 READ MORE →

Mega Career Fair in September comes to Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia

Truth be told, Corn on the Job is on vacation this week at the Jersey Shore, but I’ve kept my friends in mind and have stumbled on some ‘mega’ career fair news to share with you.  Monster.com and Philly.com have partnered up to create what they are calling the Mega Career Fair.    Along with a link […]

July 19, 2009 READ MORE →

Top 25 towns to work

This list ranks the top 25 cities according to cost of living and average commute time.  Looks like a big win for Texas, while Philly settles near the bottom. Click to view top 25 cities

July 18, 2009 READ MORE →

Haven’t heard back? Can you apply again?

More than a few friends of mine have asked this question lately, so it appears like a  perfect topic for Corn on the Job.  I think today I’ll cut right to the answer, and give you some more thought after.  Yes, definitely send your application/resume to the company again, but please make sure you give […]

July 17, 2009 READ MORE →

Never interview like Will Ferrell in Step Brothers…

While certainly hilarious, this short clip from Step Brothers teaches us exactly how not to interview.  Below you’ll find the link to quite arguably the funniest scene in Step Brothers.  Watch as Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly tag team the interview, then come back for my take: What have we learned: The interview is […]

July 16, 2009 3 comments READ MORE →

How to respond to questions regarding being fired

Everything is going just peachy.  Not only have you answered every question with confidence, but your answers have shown you are more than qualified for the opening.  However, this confidence only grows in you once answering another question successfully.  Before each new question your leg shakes under the table in anticipation for the question that […]

July 16, 2009 11 comments READ MORE →

Why interviewing is like dating…

The obvious goal of dating and interviewing is to make match.  A match that meets the interests, and needs of both sides of the relationship.  Quickly, I’ll take a look at each step of the hiring process, and make an attempt to point out how its not unlike dating…to a certain extent.  Don’t take it […]

July 15, 2009 14 comments READ MORE →

Who’s hiring? Yahoo HotJobs provides Top 100 companies

While this certainly doesn’t represent a true top 100 list, it provides job seekers with a chance to view some companies and industries that are experiencing a noticeable increase in hiring.  Strongly suggest that this is bookmarked so you can view it every few weeks.  Find the list at  http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/HotJobs100 Before I go, here are […]

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July 14, 2009 READ MORE →

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