I’ve been keeping something to myself for a while now, but I’ll refuse to hold it in any longer.
A few months back, Penelope Trunk and I began talking about putting together an E-book that would become a free resource for Gen-Y Job Seekers. Well, the project is near completion and we are planning on releasing the e-book on 7/20/10.
The subject/title of the E-book is, “What I know about getting a job”.
Rather than her and I write the entire book ourselves, we wanted to bring in a team of highly influential HR Professionals & Recruiters to contribute with a page of their own. We found quite the team.
The list used to find contributers comes from John Sumser and HR Examiner. Sumser released a list of the Top 25 Human Resources Digital Influencers in 2009, which couldn’t have been a better list of potential contributers. Penelope and I were able to bring on a total of 17 contributers from the 25 members on the list.
What makes this e-book special is that each contributer has added in their own opinions, personal stories, and expertise surrounding jobs and careers. They come from different perspectives, and even touch on different aspects of the job search. When put together, their contributions create an e-book that brings you the entire job search/career advice spectrum.
Our -ebook will drop on Tuesday, July 20th, 2010. It’s being brought to you by Penelope Trunk, Brazen Careerist, and Corn on the Job. We are excited for this release, and we hope you’ll join us in spreading the word surrounding our free new career resource for Gen-Y.