How passionate are you about your favorite restaurant? Does your memory vividly recall your first dining experience there? Do you remember what you ordered? Are you located near the restaurant’s corporate headquarters? Would working there be your dream?
Bianca Cadloni can confidently answer “yes” to each of those questions.
In 1999, Bianca had her first bite of a Chipotle Chicken Taco (super jealous, I didn’t have my first Chipotle bite until 2007) and she was never the same. Approximately 12 years later, Bianca’s passion in the wildly popular restaurant chain is strong as ever. She has created a “Hire Me Chipotle” campaign that quickly captured my attention yesterday. Her goal is to land a job with Chipotle as their social media and public relations coordinator.
Like I’ve done with the “Hire Me Krispy Kreme” and Social Jenny campaigns, I wanted to review Bianca’s attempt to land her dream gig in the guacamole mecca.
Bianca’s “Hire Me Chipotle” Website
What I first noticed about Bianca’s website was that it actually LOOKED like Chipotle! I thought that her job of branding it like many images you’d see in Chipotle was fantastic. I feel that’s something that people at Chipotle will enjoy viewing and I her attention to detail will pay off.
Oh, and she even tossed in some of her humor and personality on the home page. Her main tag line is, “Will Work for Guacamole”. Take a quick look at her design and the developed pages.
And before I forget, check out the slick Chipotle favicon she added (small, but look closely). Nice touch, Bianca!
Bianca does a nice job of explaining why she’s applying, what job she’s applying for, and how her passion ties into everything. Here’s a direct quote from her Hello Chipotle homepage that I love:
When I saw the job listing for social media and public relations coordinator, my heart skipped a beat. It was as if my love of PR, social media and Chipotle came together to give birth to the job description I had been dreaming of since I took my first bite of a sustainable chicken taco. So why do I deserve this job? Like you, I am Colorado based and here to stay. Now my hope is that you can see in me what I see in your company: creativity, ingenuity, forward thinking ideas and murderous guacamole (OK maybe not the last part).
I don’t think it’s necessary to quote or discuss each section, but Bianca does a nice job of explaining why she should be hired in the Writing, Social Media, Public Relations, and Advertising pages. In these sections, she explains experiences from internships that directly relate to the job at Chipotle. Oh, and she adds in a cool video in the Advertising section, which displays a video she played a major part in creating at her internship. Another nice touch.
She adds in a About Bianca section to really display her personality and give the company an inside look into who she is and what she’s all about. She caps off this section with her go to Chipotle order, which again, I think the people viewing the page will think was clever to add in.
Lastly, I think it’s important that she has a #Resume section as a clickable page. This page also doubles as a contact form which is smart and saves space up top. While the purpose of any campaign like this is to move away from the resume, organizations still typically want to see them at some point, so this gives them easy access.
The Twitter Account
To help her campaign go viral, Bianca created a Twitter account for her campaign. Check it out and follow her @HireMeChipotle. Her bio is solid and the profile picture is great, using the Chipotle Cup and Guacamole in each hand.
She’s done a solid job in her first day, building up 56 followers so far. I think Bianca will see those numbers increase dramatically by the weekend, hopefully bringing her a response from someone over at Chipotle.
Final Thoughts
As I mentioned in the beginning, her branding technique is slick. I love how it actually does look much like an image you’d see in the restaurant. She also does a nice job of connecting her experiences to the open position.
What advice would you give Bianca? Would you change, add, or delete anything?
Help Bianca spread her #HireMeCampaign by following @HireMeChipotle and checking out her website,