E-learning technologies are taking off and talent acquisition specialists should be jumping on the wagon. The benefit of a learning management system (LMS) is that they allow organizations to not only distribute online training materials and courses, but they offer real time tracking.
While HR Professionals will greatly benefit from a more organized and cost effective on-boarding process that e-learning technologies provide, there are some awesome strategies for recruiters and talent acquisition specialists.
5 Ways Talent Acquisition Specialists Can Leverage E-Learning Technologies:
1. Offer an Online Course or Program for Candidates
Simply upload content to the e-learning portal and allow candidates to go through the course. Maybe you haven’t hired them, but this is their way to stay close to your organization and learn more about your company or a topic area. Set up multiple courses to offer a certificate at the end and/or test them on what they’ve learned.
2. Advertise Online Training as a Perk to Get Ahead of the Competition
Every company out there claims to have the best training for their employees. With an e-learning technology, you’re now able to showcase all of your available courses and trainings. While it won’t be the sole reason why candidates decide to take you up on your offer, it will certainly be a factor.
3. Advertise Online Trainings and Courses on Company Website to Attract Candidates
No matter your company size, you can never have enough great candidates. You can offer on going informal learning and instructor-led training and keep track of who takes your courses. You can reach out to those who perform well once they complete the course and are tested.
4. Easily Explain Company Benefits and Perks
Great candidates will want the company benefits package and other perks to be explained thoroughly. They don’t always want to wait until the offer stage to learn why your organization is top notch. You can upload your content on your e-learning technology and allow them to run through the content on their own. Track their progress and you’ll know when they’ve walked through your company information, which would be a good time to send a follow up email.
5. Add Assignments for Candidates
Some learning management system (LMS) allow the option for candidates to be assigned different tasks. For instance, you can ask those taking your course to upload videos to provide answers for questions or to showcase any work they’ve done in the past. This may make sense for graphic designers and those with a portfolio.